New Webswing 23.2 has been released in October 2023. Focused on new features such as:

- Component migration

- Input mode support

- Jakarta support

- Embedded fonts in PDF

- Drop-in deployment

- Quick-start

- Vaadin integration

- Inactivity lock

We are excited to present the latest iteration of Webswing Software.

You can acquire Webswing 23.2 by accessing download section or by visiting our Client Portal.

Component Migration 

Component Migration, though still in beta, steals the spotlight. This feature allows you to migrate Java Swing components to web-based ones effortlessly. Instead of rewriting everything from scratch, you specify which Java components should pass their state to web components. Webswing handles the rest, making complex migrations a breeze. This approach minimizes the need for extensive modifications to your business logic, and it paves the way for creating native web look and feel.

Input Mode Support

Webswing now recognizes input types for touch devices, adjusting keyboard settings accordingly. Whether you're dealing with numerical, email, URL, or password fields, Webswing provides the right keyboard, greatly improving user interactions.

Jakarta Support

With added support for Jakarta-based servlet containers, Webswing expands its compatibility, making deployment in diverse environments seamless.

Embedded fonts from font config in PDF

Generating PDFs with Webswing is more efficient than ever. You can now use embedded fonts from font configurations, resulting in smaller PDF files with the correct visual appearance.

Drop-In Deployment

Managing configurations is now a breeze with drop-in deployment. Create portable Webswing application bundles with all the necessary configuration files, simplifying distribution.

Quick-start for Eval Users

The Quick-start feature accelerates the setup process for eval users. It opens Webswing in your browser with default credentials, reducing the time it takes to start exploring Webswing's potential.

Vaadin Integration

For Vaadin enthusiasts and ever growing community of developers, Webswing offers integration examples, expanding migration options to this popular Java framework.

You can check the Webswing Add-on for Vaadin here

Inactivity Lock

Enhanced security comes in the form of the Inactivity Lock, which automatically locks the application based on user inactivity. Users can also lock the app themselves.

In a nutshell, Webswing Release 23.2 made yet another significant leap forward, allowing Java Desktop applications run in the browser seamlessly, simplifying Java Desktop application migration and enhancing overall usability. With Component Migration, enhanced input mode support, Jakarta compatibility, smarter PDF generation, streamlined deployment, Quickstart for evaluation users, Vaadin integration, and Inactivity Lock, Webswing has solidified its position as an indispensable tool for modernizing and managing legacy Java Desktop applications.

Download Webswing 23.2 today. Embrace the future of Java Desktop Applications with Webswing's Easy-to-Use release!

Your feedback matters. Your Webswing experiences help us refine our Java desktop application solution for web browsers. If you need assistance or have questions, contact our support or sales teams.


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