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Upgrade procedure

The steps to do version upgrade depend on the level of integration and changes made to the original distribution in order to make the combined work. If the below documentation is not working for you, please contact support with details.

Major version Upgrade

Copy your application, .config and .properties files to new distribution and perform test.

Breaking changes from 22.2

  • Embedded jetty into separate file

if you try to launch webswing-server.war like before an exception will occur:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Did you mean to start Webswing Server with Admin? Since Webswing 23.1. Jetty server is no longer embedded in war file, but instead it is distributed as server/webswing-jetty-launcher.jar.
 Make sure you are using the latest version of startup bat/sh/command or change your startup script to run java -jar server/webswing-jetty-launcher.jar -w path/to/webswing-server.war [rest_of_arguments_same_as_before].
        at main.Main.init(Main.java:77)
        at main.Main.main(Main.java:40)

In case you are using a different WebServer (Tomcat, WildFly, ...) no action required

Minor version upgrade

You can use the aforementioned upgrade. Replacing webswing-server.war, webswing-admin-server.war should be sufficient.

Release Plan

Webswing releases major version twice a year with a naming convention of YY.1 for the first release and YY.2 for second release. On a monthly basis minor versions are released YY.1.n

Please refer to the Release Plan

Major versions YY.1 & YY.2

A major versions introduces new features, significant improvements, or changes to the user experience. It is a substantial change that can have a significant impact on the overall functionality, performance, or stability of the software product. Major changes may be backwards incompatible or require a configuration change during upgrade of the product. Major changes are only introduced in new Major versions.

Minor versions YY.1.n & YY.2.n

Minor versions contain bug fixes and 3rd party security updates. Minor versions may include minor improvements to the user interface, minor updates to existing features, or minor adjustments to existing functionality. Bug fixes, on the other hand, refer to changes made to the software product to correct defects or errors that impact the performance or functionality of the product.

These changes must be backward compatible and must not include any behavior change in default settings. Any new behavior must be explicitly enabled. Minor changes are usually introduced in Minor versions and ad hoc patch releases of Webswing products.