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Quick Start Guide

This step by step guide will help you install and start the Webswing server and set up your swing application in 5 minutes.


  1. Java 8 installed
  2. Modern browser installed

For the purpose of this guide, we will use a Windows-based box. Linux installation is covered on a separate page.

Starting the Server

Download the distribution from the Webswing home page and unzip it to a new folder. For demonstration we use C:\webswing

unzipped Webswing distribution

Open a command prompt and make sure you are using the current Java executable. (Verify by running java -version)

Double click on the webswing.bat file to start the Webswing server.

started Webswing server

Running Demo Application

Open your browser and navigate to address http://localhost:8080
Login using the default username and password admin and pwd.

Webswing login screen

You should see the following screen with 4 demo applications.
You can try one of the demo apps by clicking the icon.

application selector screen

After starting the SwingSet3 application you should see the following screen:

Webswing SwingSet3 running

Setup Your Own Application

For this demonstration we use the CelsiusConverter application from Oracle Swing tutorial. The CelsiusConverter.jar has been put in the C:/webswing folder.

Open your browser and navigate to address http://localhost:8080
To setup your application, click the Manage button located on the top right corner - this navigates you to Admin Console http://localhost:8080/admin.

application selector screen

In the admin console, click the *Create New App" located on the top right side.

admin console screen

Enter the path of your app. This is the HTTP URL path part under which your app will be available.

Enter Path

Scroll down, locate My Application and click Show Config on the right side.

New Application

For the quick setup:

  1. adjust section 3. Application - Java:
    add CelsiusConverter.jar to the Classpath field
    add learn.CelsiusConverterGUI to the Main Class field. Application settings
  2. Click Apply on the left top
  3. Click Enable on the right top
  4. Navigate to path as entered on the beginning http://localhost:8080/myapp

In case the application failed to start, search for the problem in the log file webswing.log located in the Webswing home folder - in our case C:\webswing.